Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 2

Both Aydın and Burcu were given assignments to write a scene from the outline of their novel. Here is Burcu's piece: It is when Daniel and Berri are partnered for a school assignment. This is an important part of the book because this is where everything really starts. Berri and Daniel don't like eachother at this point and hate being partnered.

“Ok. Students. The end of this school year is coming. You have finished your exams. Now the fun part is coming. Project time! The class doesn’t cheer but the teacher is cheering so loudly that she thinks all of them are cheering. One of the students asks
“What is the topic of this project?”
“You are going to make a volcano.”
Now the class is cheering, shouting, talking about being partners with eachother.
“Class I have bad news; I have chosen your partners. Now I’m going to announce it.”
“Ben and Amy, Alex and Sarah…Berri and Daniel”

Berri doesn’t want to be with Daniel because he is lazy , stupid, and they just fought three days ago. He only cares about himself and his money. Being partners with Daniel is a nightmare.  

We are using all of the advantages of the internet...Aydın joins us from home via SKYPE and Burcu comes to the Writing House. Today Aydın shared his work online with us. We hope he gets his camera working soon so we can see him aswell as hear him :)

Aydın shared his work on his screen and we share documents with him on Google documents. Here is his piece:

"WHO ARE YOU?" a voice asked.It was a loud and strange voice but it was soft. The Guards pulled the bags from their heads.Berri and Daniel were shocked. There was a giant cat sitting on a giant throne.
Berri started screaming:
Berri started to shiver but Daniel was relaxed, he didn't looked afraid.He was cool. Berri was shocked.
The cat asked again.
Berry was still shouting. Daniel was cool.
-Im Daniel and she is Berry.
-Hmmm.Guards take them to dungeons and bring me the Wizard.
Berry was still shouting. The dungeons were cold the bars were made of some kind of magical material.There was no way to escape.They stayed there for 3-4 hours.Berri didn't stop shouting or talking  about the bad situation they are in.The guards brought them to the Cat again.Berri was still shouting.
-You should stop shouting!
said the cat and threw some dust on Berri.
-I won't hurt you.You are free to go. But first you must solve the puzzles.

A rough outline of the novel... there is still a lot of work to do.

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